My Resources.

Fear Of The Unknown

Fear Of The Unknown

Many of you have been introduced to the Enneagram through the Beyond Thinking progamme and will recall what invaluable insight you found when making the connection between your personality and core underlying fears. The fact is, we are more fixated on the fear of the...

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YouTube Vlogs

YouTube Vlogs

The end of the year is near! It is often at this time, we reflect on what we have “become” and how we have changed as a result of the collective experiences through the year. Join Colin as he shares a story about change and how we can use this to reflect on how we...

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Are you your Personality?

Are you your Personality?

So what is this thing called personality which distinguishes our uniqueness from common humanity? I found the most succinct response to this question in the recommended reading link at the end of this blog. ‘The bottom line is it depends upon your perspective on human...

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Why trust is the glue of life

Why trust is the glue of life

As we continue with the broader theme of Heart Intelligence and the role trust plays in this, I am reminded of this brilliance of inner knowing from Mandela who modelled and invoked so much trust in so many, If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes...

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The Joy of Being

The Joy of Being

Colin and I always discuss possible newsletter topics for the upcoming month and this time we found our common ground with ‘The Little Book of Ikigai’, by Ken Mogi It had us really curious and the more we explored ikigai and how this relates to our own lives and the...

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Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff

Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff

Self-regulation or self-management is a key life skill and an essential piece of Emotional Intelligence. This is an area close to many of our hearts and most often shows up when we over react. That moment when you lost your temper, shouted angrily or said things that...

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Beyond Thinking

Emotional Intelligence for Times of Change

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If what we do resonates with your goals and growth plan, please do get in touch, we'd be happy to answer any questions you may have.



South Africa

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