free sessions.

free sessions

Time to Talk and Employee Well-Being

Time To Talk is our way of paying it forward. Research has shown that employee well-being has such an important impact on motivation, job performance, leadership capacity and job satisfaction. While 2010 – 2020 was regarded as a decade where organisations focused on building high growth and performance cultures, the attention in 2021 has shifted to employee well-being as an essential for maintaining mental health.

In these volatile times of fast paced global change, increased technological advancements, pandemic pressure and related economic and market turbulence, we need the skills of self-managing our mental, emotional and physical well-being more than ever.

Now is the time to take our well-being seriously and these Time to Talk sessions, are a stimulating and enjoyable way of meeting others while learning essential life skills tips and tools. We invite you to join our lively and interactive sessions:


      • In understanding well-being starts with you, from within
      • Exploring how effective you are at managing your stress levels
      • Exploring how well-being creates greater meaning, purpose and engagement
      • Learn ongoing practical tools and interventions – essential for self care
      • Explore the sustainable benefits of daily habits on well-being and performance
      • And much more…

Register for our Free Sessions here

Stress Management

Stress Management

As we head into the final month of the year all sorts of added stressors are upon us. We share tips on how to manage stress in the year end VUCA environment. A Microsoft Teams Link will be sent to all attendees closer to the time. Request your free session here for...

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Improving your time management

Improving your time management

We share ideas and tips on how to improve your time management, especially when working from home. This includes energy management because more than ever the boundaries are blurred when in a WFM environment. You will be more...

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The Art of Virtual Meetings

The Art of Virtual Meetings

We share ideas and tips on how to improve your time management, especially when working from home. This includes energy management because more than ever the boundaries are blurred when in a WFM environment. You will be more aware of where placing your attention and...

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Stress Management

Stress Management

As we head into the final month of the year all sorts of added stressors are upon us. We share tips on how to manage stress in the year end VUCA environment. A Microsoft Teams Link will be sent to all attendees closer to the time. Request your free session here for...

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The Beliefs of Personality – Brain, Biology or Bull?

Every month Colin and I agree on a topic and when it came to choosing this one I made the big mistake of thinking it would be easy to write about. I mean doesn't everyone know what a belief is including myself? Well, it turns out it was not so easy and in fact...

Explore the possibilities

Employee Happiness = Customer Satisfaction

Let's work together

If what we do resonates with your goals and growth plan, please do get in touch, we'd be happy to answer any questions you may have.



South Africa

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