Essential EQ Skills for a VUCA World
Essential EQ Skills for a VUCA World
Our Virtual EQ Course is split into 5 modules of 5 hours each. Learning is incremental with ample opportunity for real life integration over the 5 sequenced sessions. Delegates leave with a Handbook providing practical exercises for each subject. Virtual Q&A support sessions are included with each module and take place after participants have had a chance to apply practical exercises.
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Course Duration: Virtual morning sessions of 5 hours each
Target Audience: All staff, Management and Teams
Min Delegates: 6 Maximum Delegates: 40
Awesome News! There is no expiration on your membership, so you’ll have lifetime access to your courses.
Course Modules
Module 1 - EQ of Resilience- Emotional Agility in the VUCA environment
Managing our well-being requires self-awareness and self-regulation which includes understanding our emotions and how we can develop the skills of emotional agility. We explore the nature of emotions and the relationship between agility, awareness and self-regulation which builds an excellent foundation for self-mastery and resilience and much needed skills in the VUCA world. Practical exercises to manage stressful emotions and daily conditions are another key take away of this program.
Outcomes include:
- Understanding emotions and the impact on our moods
- Understanding the neuroscience of emotions
- Developing emotional agility skills around our emotions
- Understanding our base fears and working with fear
- Understanding ego behaviours around our fears
- Understanding how to manage our hot buttons
- Leaning to regulate our emotions through specific practices
Module 2 - EQ & Metacognition - The Power of Thoughts and Core Beliefs
An optimum state of mind requires meta-cognition which is the self-awareness of negative thoughts and limiting beliefs and how these impact our overall everyday behaviour. Here we explore the many benefits of conscious thought on behaviour and the beliefs that support this as well as learning practical exercises to empower ourselves in this right thinking.
Outcomes include:
- Understanding how thought impacts emotions and behaviour
- Understanding the process of thinking through the ladder of inference
- Understanding the inner voices and the stories we tell ourselves
- Learning to identify the fears our stories feed
- Developed metacognition skills around thought – to think about our thinking
- Developing skills to calm our negative thought processes
- Understanding the power of core beliefs on behaviour
- Developing the skills to question and change our core beliefs
Module 3 - Personality and the state of well being
This module explores four personality types using the DISC model as well as provides exercises on how to change the habits and patterns that no longer serve us. We also explore how we can improve our wellbeing through specific conscious living practices.
Outcomes Include
- Understanding the formation of personality
- Identifying personal strengths and weaknesses
- Understanding own personality type using the DISC model (High Level)
- Understanding others personality types using the DISC model
- Understanding how to change habits and patterns
- Understanding how to manage our well being in the VUCA environment
Module 5 - Vision, Values and Goals
Living a fulfilled and meaningful life requires we understand our vision and purpose in life, as well as our values which are our guide to wellbeing. In this module we provide tools and exercises to create a personal vision, to identify our values as well as understand how to bring this all to life by making gestures towards our personal vision. There is an added bonus as you also find how to develop a deeper sense of meaning and fulfillment by connecting your vision and values to your work-place.
Outcomes include:
- Developing a clear personal vision that integrates into the work place
- Identifying and understanding own set of values and connection to business values
- Learning how to develop a set of goals and making gestures towards personal vision.
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If what we do resonates with your goals and growth plan, please do get in touch, we'd be happy to answer any questions you may have.
South Africa