Meet the Team
Managing Director & Founder
Diane Collier
BSoc Sci, ACC Executive Coach, Registered Constituent Assessor, NLP Practitioner
I am the Managing Director of Dynamic Growth Training, a company which specializes in the growth and development of people.
After completing my BSocSci in 1984 at UCT and majoring in Industrial Psychology and Sociology, I was well on the path of a deep desire to understand the inner world of mental and emotional wellbeing. I joined a business development team within a supply chain solution company with a vast local and global footprint. The organisation’s leaders believed strongly in developing people and had a very well entrenched management development pipeline. I was chosen to go through this program and the transformation, comraderie and lessons of this year which included working closely with the Exco team, left an indelible impression on the importance and value of life-long learning. Throughout my 15 years there we were provided with ongoing skills training and I felt so at home in this world of personal development.
During this time I also married and awhile later in 2004 was ready to pay it forward with the work we do in Dynamic Growth Training. It has been an extremely fulfilling 18 years working with a talented team and playing our part in supporting the learning outcomes of our clients. I have also loved witnessing the growth of all those whom we have had the pleasure of being face to face with, over the years and more recently online.
One of our greatest assets as a team is our ability to be flexible which means providing relevant learning content for immediate adoption, in these ever changing times we live in. it also meant I continuously develop and in 2008 found myself exploring the world of coaching which took me back to UCT’s Businesss Campus for the year long Integral Coaching program as well as a number of years studying NLP to Masters level and other neuroscience based coaching methodologies.
By 2019, we found ourselves as a team debating what specific skills the 4th IR world of work required and how we could respond to this very real fast paced change that was emerging in the way we work together. Little did we know the surprise 2020 had in store for us which then also provided the opportunity to fully digitize the business and in turn has enabled us with a far greater reach. The bottom line is the more I can be part of an individual’s learning journey the more I find myself in ‘that happy place’.
Our role has evolved from being a strategic learning partner to online learning partner specialising in a coaching-style facilitation, as together we move through so much uncertainty and fear to provide a more encompassing personal development framework for those looking for the support and tools to build the resilience and skills required in our hybrid work
I am super proud and grateful of what we have achieved as a team and look forward to continually evolving on a personal level and being a catalyst for positive growth and change in others.
BSoc Sci, ACC Executive Coach, Registered Constituent Assessor, NLP Practitioner
Contact me
Beyond Thinking
Emotional Intelligence for Times of Change
Let's work together
If what we do resonates with your goals and growth plan, please do get in touch, we'd be happy to answer any questions you may have.
South Africa